Death Cafe Practitioners Page
I'm currently research peoples views on the sustainability of funeral options in the UK and would value an opportunity to talk to people who are thinking and talking about funerals and death.
Specifically I'm looking to talk to people who are over sixty and live on the UK.
If anyone is willing to chat please let me know.
Kind regards
I would like to use an easy and anonymous feedback form to be completed by our Cafe Participants. How toi and what you use please,
Jim Kirkpatrick
How to collect anonymous feedback from attendees
Posted by JimKirkpatrick on Sept. 23, 2021, 7:28 a.m.
I am new to cohosting Death Cafe. I want feedback from participants. Want your methods for collecting such feedback. Help Please
Jim Kirkpatrick
510 219 2550
Hello All.
We have held our first DC and would like to start preparing for the next. Can we just edit the existing information under the "View your Public Profile" tab to announce new date and time? We would also like to alternate being host and facilitator. How can we do this when both of us have unique login details?
Grateful for any pointers.
Sarah Hillcoat-Nalletamby, Swansea UK
Hi, I am planning to run my fisrt Death Cafe and wondering if anyone experiences that conversation was stuck at one point. I am worried there will be uncomfortable silence. Any tips on how to avoid it and bring the discussion back, any specific topics, leading questions? I am aware the guide mentioned- no agenda but 3-4 questiong that might push the conversation, would be useful. Am I correct?
Many thanks!
Hi there,
I've recently begun preparations to start a monthly Death Cafe in my area. However, it's my understanding that a few years ago someone has already started a Death Cafe. It's been several years since the last cafe was held and the Facebook page seems to be inactive since 2017/2018. I've made attempts to locate the original hosts, but I've been unsuccessful - I just don't want to step on any toes or create animosity, you know?
Is it acceptable for me to start a cafe, or should I make further attempts to contact the original hosts?
If anyone has any advice or tips regarding this I would be super grateful!
Many thanks,
North East London Death Cafe hosted by Debbie Young & Alberta Gutteridge
Posted by Creating Conversations CIC on May 21, 2021, 8:08 a.m.
Swedish death cleaning. Just one of the topics that came out of my first virtual Death Café. Well never mind the virtual, my first Death Café. It was planned to be a North East London gathering hosted by myself and Debbie, who is Death Café-experienced, but ended up being a gloriously global affair with participants from yes, north-east London, but also Scotland, Ireland and Canada. Back to the death cleaning or death decluttering. The idea behind it is to release the burden of your things from the loved ones you leave behind. ‘It’s a loving thing to do for the people you care about.’ There was some general agreement about this and the story of how the process of down-sizing and letting go of things that belonged to her past and her husband allowed a widow to move on and enjoy her final years. A painful process though, it was admitted. There’s no avoiding that then. Death and grieving is sad and difficult and there’s no getting round it. Another story was shared of how having to deal with the possessions and house left by their parents following their death provided a practical form for grieving. The learning, if there’s any need for it? There is no perfect way to prepare for death, either our own death, or for losing those who we love, but getting together and talking in a safe space about death and dying can be something that helps make sense of it.
The conversation across two groups in their private zoom spaces included talking about fears of dying, sharing experience of family bereavement and how that influenced desires to make things easier for their children, curiosity about talking about death and dying, acknowledging the taboo and facing it full on. Following Death Café guidance there was no agenda or direction so the flow of words went in all sorts of directions from the idea of clearing out rooms and things to funerals with drag queens and disco music. Perhaps the most unexpected aspect of this zigzag of words and sharing was how intimate, warm and lovely it was. Friends have asked, how it was, my first Death Café as host, my first Death Cafe. Lovely, I said. And it was. Life-affirming would be another description.
Hi, we are The Rewikd Project. A grass roots not for profit and we rewild people, not landscapes.
We want to run a Death Cafe as part of our health and wellbeing programme.
We can run for free or donation, like all our other groups. and will advertise on our Facebook group and newsletter.
We are based in the forestnof Dean, we might start off on zoomnans then run from our craft centre in evening time.
Oh also we are doing outreach work at festivals this year and would like to run sessions.
Can you let me know if there is any problem with this?
I have been hosting Death Cafe every 2-3 weeks since 2018. I am also a Death Educator in real life. However, I have been very careful never to mention what I do, nor allow industry people to use DC as a marketing or advice-giving platform. I've also attended a couple of other DC's where it was like a networking event for EOL industry people. Definitely don't want that.
I want to ensure a safe space for open discussion with no expectations of an outcome. But human beings are problem solvers!
My question for you is: where is the line? Do you offer advice and resources in your cafes? Do you allow information sharing and problem solving when pragmatic questions are asked? I do not wish to instruct or educate, but I keep getting asked by my regulars to provide insight, and I am not sure how to proceed. AM I being to rigid in how I am interpereting the rules?
Looking for guidance on the spirit and intent of Death Cafe.
With gratitude, Gina
Death cafe Nikity - Niterói - RJ -Brazil
Posted by Ana Cristina Barros Fróes on Jan. 13, 2021, 6:38 a.m.

O movimento death cafe se amplia cada vez mais no Brasil, dada importância desse espaço de acolhimento aberto para a fala e a escuta respeitosa sobre vida e morte.
Estamos em uma linda comunhão entre os diversos death cafes no Brasil.
Gratidão por participar desse importante movimento mundial.
Ana Cristina
Hello, I'm in a rather sad and odd position with a dear friend in the US (New Mexic) dying from MS. She is quite paralyzed and it's becoming very difficult for her to swallow and the paralyzed Disability is getting worse and worse. she has been approved for assisted diying in Switzerland and very very very much wants to get there. This is of course been complicated with Covid restrictions because they would send a caretaker from Europe to get her in there because she cannot make that trip alone with her disability. Europeans are not allowed into the US, however US citizens are allowed into Switzerland and allowed to return to the US as well. I am looking for any sources of nursing care that she can pay someone to take her to Switzerland and get her through those flights and to her destinations. She may need the nurse to stay for some days while she settles in. Nursing care would not have to stay for the assisted dying event. Do you know of anywhere where I could get anyone that would fit this description that she could pay? They do not have to be an actual nurse but definitely a strong an able-bodied caretaker. She can get herself around she's not completely paralyzed but it will be a very difficult trip for her. Please let me know if you have any insight. Thank you!
Dear Death Cafe Practitioner,
I hope you don't mind me contacting you this way. I wanted to share with you a piece of research I am undertaking in relation to feelings following a bereavement; and ask your help in recruiting interested participants.
My research relates to emotions experienced following a bereavement, in particular positive emotions, such as relief, gratefulness, peace, etc. I have a suspicion that bereaved people sometimes do experience positive emotions, but hide them because they fear that such emotions are wrong in some way, and that society will condemn them.
I hope that by researching this issue, I can shed a bit more light on this phenomenon, and help normalise such experiences for people experiencing bereavement.
I wonder if any of your death cafe contacts or acquaintances might be interested in taking part? I can provide further details and an email poster, if you think they might be interested.
Thank you in anticipation of any help you can provide.
Warmest regards,
Jo (
Hi All,
I've been thinking about doing this for a very long time and have decided to go ahead with it!
I just wondered (considering this climate) about how others have been managing with group gatherings because of Covid, if at all?
I will start it on zoom if I need to but I'd much rather have just a small group where I can keep social distancing either at my home or in a local cafe.
I'd welcome your thoughts on it.
Many thanks
Are there any photos that we can download and use without copyright or by referencing the artist / photographer?
Thank you
Large Zoom Death Cafe: Practical Tips
Posted by Chorltondeathcafe on May 15, 2020, 12:46 p.m. 2 comments

Tips for hosting a large Death Cafe on Zoom with breakout rooms
- Everyone booked by email. I was wary of a person attending with whom others might feel unsafe, so when a new person I’d not met before emailed and wanted to book, I engaged them in an email conversation a little first. Asked where they lived, if they’d been to a DC before, what their name was if it wasn’t obvious.
Once they’d chatted on email, then I sent them the link and extra info.
(One person emailed to book, then didn’t reply to my ‘chat’ and disappeared. They hadn’t told ...