Questions when conversation is stuck

Posted by Natalia on June 30, 2021, 5:16 p.m. 4 comments

Hi, I am planning to run my fisrt Death Cafe and wondering if anyone experiences that conversation was stuck at one point. I am worried there will be uncomfortable silence. Any tips on how to avoid it and bring the discussion back, any specific topics, leading questions? I am aware the guide mentioned- no agenda but 3-4 questiong that might push the conversation, would be useful. Am I correct?

Many thanks!




como facilitador te recominedo que esperes a que el publico rompa ese espacio "incomodo" y muchas veces muy valioso. Respira desde la tranquilidad de que todo esta bien, si ha llegado ese momento, abrazalo

Posted by javitxu

Some Sample Questions

A few good questions:
1. Is anyone noticing any feelings or thoughts coming up that they would like to share?
2. Has anyone experienced something new in the past few weeks?
3. Has anyone come across any interesting resources, articles, poems, etc. about death recently?
4. Does anyone had any self-care or grounding rituals that have been helping them lately?
Hope those are useful :)

Posted by Karly M.

In my work I quite often find that Silence becomes profound, offering space between words. So, I'm not uncomfortable with silence, per se. As you do a few DCs you might find that your own discomfort about Silence shifts. Also that you'll be able to discern when people become uncomfortable vs when they're settling into thoughtfulness.

Posted by Lynn Rosen


I also think that 3-4 questions would be helpful (only if people get stuck)

Posted by Ellonyia L Yenney

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