Death Cafe blog

I'm New Here

Posted Sunday 05 May 2024 Written by Lyric

Hi, idk how many people are here, but I found this site yesterday and I just made an account and such. 

Anyways, my main goal here on this site is to become less scared of death! Why am I scared of death? Well, I was an evangilical christian from when ...

Insights into Evolving Funeral Preferences: Unveiling Trends from Legal & General

Posted Monday 05 February 2024 Written by Writer

Legal and General’s recent survey of 2,000 UK respondents reveals over half of Brits are interested in alternative disposition methods when it comes to funerals, showing a shifting dynamic in end-of-life choices.

  • Familiarity with Alternative Methods: When asked about their familiarity with alternative methods of final disposition, a ...

A step ahead: How a positive evaluation of one's own death can reduce discrimination more effectively

Posted Monday 29 January 2024 Written by melstiller



How can people take more profound actions against discrimination? New research findings could pave the way for equity - beyond the category of gender.


This question was raised by Mel Stiller and Andrés Di Masso from the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Barcelona. The researchers found that ...

Death of Bernard Crettaz

Posted Sunday 28 January 2024 Written by Jools

Hello Death Cafe community,


Today, I feel a deep need to share something profoundly personal and significant with you all. I have been reflecting on the legacy of Bernard Crettaz, born 29 May 1938, who died on 28 November 2022 aged 84. Bernard, a visionary Swiss sociologist, founded the Caf ...

Started when I was 3.

Posted Monday 08 January 2024 Written by Flora

Hi, I suffered from death anxiety for my whole life, I have a lot to tell and ask, I really just came here to relate to others. 

Ernest Becker Foundation - a shared legacy

Posted Sunday 07 January 2024 Written by Jools

Hello, Death Cafe Community,

I'm writing to share some heartfelt news that has recently touched the Death Cafe movement deeply. We have received a generous donation from the Ernest Becker Foundation, a gesture that resonates profoundly with our work and mission.

The Ernest Becker Foundation, known for its dedication ...

I fear death all the time for 40 years

Posted Monday 25 December 2023 Written by anngottesman

I came across some undated blog posts with comments but couldn't find a way to add a comment so I'm posting this hoping some of those who posted about their fear of death (thanataphobia) will see this post. I've been living with  this horrible fear since the ...

Our Last Goodbye

Posted Saturday 23 December 2023 Written by Clare-Marie

Come close, sit down beside me, reach out and take my hand our time together is nearly done

The moments I have left I now want to savour surrounded by you my loved ones that have made my life complete 

I hear weeping as someone strokes my hair, tears fall ...

What loss really feels like

Posted Saturday 23 December 2023 Written by Clare-Marie

What does the word loss mean to you? It is in fact one of the toughest journeys that we will ever have to experience, as nothing can prepare us for the heartache of grief. To lose a loved one exposes our vulnerable side like an open wound. It leaves us ...

Death Café flourishes in Latin America: a brief history

Posted Tuesday 28 November 2023 Written by wilka.roig

In September 2014 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, El Faro Asociación, under the direction of Viviana Bilezker, held the first Death Cafe in Latin America. Expectant and somewhat nervous about how it would turn out, members of the El Faro team received 30 people. After giving the guidelines, a tense ...

Coming Home

Posted Friday 10 November 2023 Written by riverhomedoula

22 years ago.
It was a beautiful soft Florida morning in November. As was his early morning habit, Dad had walked around the house, inspecting the rose bushes to see if any could be cut and brought inside to brighten the air around you. You loved your roses! But there ...

Death Cafe is 12!!

Posted Monday 25 September 2023 Written by Jools

What an incredible milestone we've reached! It's hard to believe how swiftly the time has flown since our 6th birthday, which marked the first Death Cafe birthday video I made following Jon's death in 2017. Before that, I vividly recall being in Jon's living room in ...

The Whys and Hows of Planning Your Funeral Now

Posted Monday 01 May 2023 Written by andrea.needham

Thinking about your death may not feel good. Preparing for the future, however, is a smart decision, especially if it means your family doesn’t need to worry about finances in the event of your unexpected passing. Here’s why I believe you should begin planning your funeral now, plus ...

Death a respite from life !

Posted Tuesday 18 April 2023 Written by Ginge

I will start by saying death and suicide was never part of me ,the thought of dying or killing myself was always a big no..

Then I split with my Girlfriend and 6 weeks later she hung herself leaving me a message ' I get it you don't give a ...

Toxic Stress 15x Higher Suicide Rates /Child of a Violent Alcoholic

Posted Monday 06 March 2023 Written by PSiloveyou

I am not here to state whether someone's opinions on Dying are right or wrong? If spiritually death is peace to the soul who else is to judge but oneself. Only you know if you can make it through life much longer. How many secrets do you hold? 
If ...

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