Death Cafe write-ups

Huntly Death Cafe Write up

Posted by Grampian_Death_Cafe on May 16, 2024, 9:47 a.m.

May's meeting was a lively and spirited discussion as we welcomed three new visitors.  We chatted about the need for Death Cafe, our thoughts on life after death, legal means of 'body disposal' and myriad other things.  Everyone found it interesting and informative. I hope you will, too!

North Denver Death Cafe Write up

Posted by Marti Steger on May 14, 2024, 1:55 p.m.

3 participants for this event. Topics included aging parents and the death of parents. Caregiving and funeral options. Overall it was a thoughtful and truthful conversation. 

North Denver Death Cafe Write up

Posted by Marti Steger on May 14, 2024, 1:53 p.m.

We had 2 folks attend our first cafe. The conversation centered around loss of family members and the impact that had on the participants. It was a thoughtful conversation. One participant is a high school student and was eager to engage with the topic. 

Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Cafe IN PERSON Write up

Posted by TucsonFFDeathCafe on May 12, 2024, 12:12 p.m.

Why don’t we talk about death? What’s going on, or not going on, with that? Whether you have a tiny spark, a persistent firefly, or a full-blown blaze burning about this topic, you are not alone at a Death Café. Death is going to happen, it’s a sure thing, there is no doubt. Our culture talks about anything else, everything else, but when it comes to death, we dance around it like we’ve landed on a hill of biting ants.


We have a zillion ways to say it, without saying it. We’re toast, toes up, in Davy Jones locker swimming with the fishes ...

Lewes Death Cafe Write up

Posted by Lewes Death Cafe on May 4, 2024, 3:25 a.m.

Lewes Death Cafe is now meeting monthly at the House of Friendship. The number of attendees varies and all meetings have received positive feedback. 

Death Cafe North Canterbury Write up

Posted by Death Cafe North Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand on May 2, 2024, 3:51 a.m.

It’s beginning to get a little cooler now and, as often, the Kaiapoi library is such a great venue for Death café along the river. We had a small group today, just four of us, all women – and one returning attendee, which is always lovely.

The vibe was calm and thoughtful and being a small group allowed us to dig deeper into some interesting topics, we talked a lot about “who owns the dying process?” – by which we explored all aspects of being close to someone who is dying – do they know they’re dying; do they have the right to know? do they want to know ...

Heart of Newhaven Death Cafe Write up

Posted by LomondBob on April 30, 2024, 7:44 a.m.

12 people attended. A couple of returns; all others new.

A variety of subjects disussed. One difficult discussion as attender recently bereaved and had had little opportunity to talk about the loved one.

Positive feedback. Tendency to drift off topic on one table.

Virtual Death Cafe Albany, CA USA PDT Write up

Posted by JimKirkpatrick on April 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m. 1 comment

In attendance participants from USA, we regularly gather here on 4th Sunday of the month. Our time is a mixture of quiet, speaking, and quiet. All are invited to speak of what is on their minds and hearts. All of us mortals with awareness and experiences of loving another who had died. 

Manly NSW Death Cafe Write up

Posted by mknight on April 27, 2024, 6:40 p.m.

Our April Death Café kicked off in fabulous style in the Creative Library, described by one attendee as a “brilliant space for sharing!” and as usual, those who were meant to be there, were.

Our conversation was stimulating, uplifting, confronting, joyful, reflective and warm, and covered such topics as the meaning of death and the afterlife, continuity of consciousness and notions of an afterlife, death anxiety, how death impacts us.  

Some observations on how attending the Death Café affected their feelings about death and life included people realising they need to remember to enjoy life and to not ‘sweat the small stuff’, realising that other people are actually ...

Swanage Death Cafe Write up

Posted by peterneall on April 15, 2024, 2:05 a.m.

Seven guests, a host and a facilitator met on the afternoon of Friday April 12th 2024 at The Hub in Swanage.

The facilitator introduced the event with a short history of Death Cafe's and an agreement on Ground-rules. 

THen the discusion included all the guests and topics ranging from fear r of death, terror in the face of it, the joy of being fully present at the death of a loved one nd so on. One guest commented on the joy of simply being able to speak of death without being told to stop.

At the end there was a cllear demand to 'go again' with one ...

Herne Hill Death Cafe Write up

Posted by annkenrick on April 9, 2024, 3:46 a.m.

This is the fourth Death Café being held by local resident Ann. 


The objective of the Death Café movement is ‘to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives’. In Britain Jon Underwood was the first to invite people to his home in Hackney in 2010. 


In continental Europe there has long been a tradition to talk about important and interesting subjects in a café philo or a philosophical café. Bernard Crettaz, a Swiss sociologist, set up a café mortel, or Death Café, on which Jon based his concept. Jon died recently, aged 44 but death cafes are now ...

April 2024 Shepherdstown WV Death Cafe Write up

Posted by Tracy Seffers on April 3, 2024, 10:52 a.m.

Water was brought to a boil, the tea and cake set out as usual, and several of us gathered around the table.

Tracy opened with a brief selection from Joan Halifax of Upaya Center, talking about two paths we choose as we face questions about death - the path of fear, or a path that accepts and explores with curiousity the impermanence of all things. The choice of path then impacts the life we lead.


Discussion continued: knowing that "the mug is already broken", how do we face death, how do we live our lives?  With tenderness, softness, a delicate touch, hope . . . it was a rich conversation.


Introductions around ...

Manly NSW Death Cafe Write up

Posted by mknight on March 24, 2024, 3:28 p.m.

Our first Death Café of the year took place in our regular space, the Creative Library, a fabulous community room in our local Manly Library.  After a holiday break of some months, it was wonderful to once again engage in spirited conversation about all things death and dying, welcome back regulars, and meet folk new to the Death Café movement.

I’ve been facilitating Death Café’s since 2014, and have found that while the conversation will cover a diverse range of death and dying areas of interest and importance, there is always one topic which is discussed in every Death Café I have run; the afterlife.  And ...

Davidson’s Mains Death Cafe Write up

Posted by LomondBob on March 21, 2024, 6:27 a.m.

9 people met to discuss death and dying and to drink coffee and eat cake.

There was positive feedback and people enjoyed the event.

Death Cafe Santa Clara Write up

Posted by FrankAnnis on March 20, 2024, 10:54 a.m.

 This was our first DeasthCafe and it had 3 hosts and 15 attendees. it was held at  a very  nice retirement community and thus was not for the general public. The feedback on the evaluation forms was very positive and we will host a second one there in 2 weeks. Then we will be looking to hold cafes in our local community in Los Altos, California!

 Frank Annis

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