October's Death Cafe Write Up
A write up of Death Cafe-London Ontario
By shancalv

Thank you to all that came out --it was lovely to have both new and seasoned participants at the first Death Cafe of the fall. Someone summed it up as a "simple but rich experience" and I would agree. Other things that were shared in the closing included how people learned new information and had their own ideas affirmed, how we are so different but also alike, and the belief that we "only get to do death once, so want to do it well." We also started a dialogue on the value of story in the discussions, bringing up the ways story can both mask deeper emotions if we get stuck in reiterating the details, but can also help us reveal the deeper depths and share the pearls of our experiences with others. I am excited to see these ideas discussed in the future and am grateful that I am sharing these dialogues with you all! The next Death Cafe will be on November 1st.