March London Ont Death Cafe Review
A write up of Death Cafe-London Ontario
By shancalv

There were 20 people at the March 8th Death Café. As usual after the introduction to the Café we broke into tables of four and part way through the evening switched tables. We decided that next time we need to spread the tables a little farther apart so it’s easier to hear your own group. During the final circle many people noted how easy it was and how relaxed, at home, and comfortable they felt. Someone noted that they were happy to see that people could have such different opinions and yet were very respectful. "There wasn’t any arguing or persuading." Other comments included: “empowering”, “talking can be liberating”, “less afraid”, “learning from others perspective”, and “how nice it was to have people of different ages and perspectives”.
The chalkboard is filled out as participants enter the cafe and the other papers are from the tables where participants are encouraged to express thei conversation visually.