Death Cafe North Canterbury

Kaiapoi  (21.07.2024)

Today was a big group – 11 plus Anna and I, once we got over our initial shock and delight, it was a busy kōrero which darted all over the place! I had co-delivered a workshop the weekend before about reducing death costs and some of those attendees came along - so this was the initial talking point. We chatted about expectations of funeral costs – such as who pays for visitors and travellers to the funeral, what is the custom in NZ – in fact, is there a custom at all? We chatted about ashes and how to scatter these – do we have the freedom to scatter them wherever we choose? What about taking ashes overseas, what is the process? We chatted about documentation, available booklets and how useful these are.

The vibe was busy, and, for the first time, all the cake went!

Keep warm, stay well, Liz

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