Summary for August 11, 2021 DC-Hillsborough

Hello fellow mortals!
Thank you to the 25 people who were able to brave the heat and joined our death discussions during the August Death Café – Hillsborough (DC-H). Welcome to the *10* new folx! It felt so good to see you all “live and in person” for the first time in 17 months. Can you believe that a regular Zoom attendee drove nearly 400 miles from another state with her daughter so they could meet us in person?! Anne gifted attendees decorated hand fans, complete with a choice of optional sugar skull stickers and, wow, did those fans come in handy as we conversed in the warm shade! Thank you for making our gathering extra special! Sitting in a circle at Margaret Lane Cemetery was a dream come true. I dedicated the meeting to my Big Dad who died on 8/11/2005.
Hillsborough’s Margaret Lane cemetery info and here’s the pdf that we passed around
NMark your calendars for the next Death Café - Hillsborough on September 8th, 6pm-8pm. This will be held via Zoom and the link will be sent 2-3 days prior. The next Death Café – Mebane is 8/18, 6-8pm in our own room at La Fiesta in Mebane.
' September 25th is the 10-year birthday of the first-in-the-world Death Café! Learn more about this worldwide movement at
Topics we discussed and shared (denoted by **): **Mark your calendars for the Green Burial Conference being held virtually October 21-28; registration has not yet begun. “Learn the basics behind green and natural burial options plus options in your community.” **For more information about green burial in central NC, go to the Green Burial Project site **If anyone attended the choreographed performance presented by ADF, “A Body in a Cemetery” last Thursday or Friday, I’d love to hear what you thought about it. **The Five Wishes (Advance Directives document) **This is one of many sites that provides free advance directives and instructions for each state (can be opened as a pdf) This link is for North Carolina’s: **The Threshold Choir and musicians have been reaching the dying during this pandemic by using technology. Music helps us forget what all is happening around us. Find your local chapter: **Recompose offers a natural organic reduction process that gently transforms human remains into soil. There is more to their website yet this page is especially informative
**We discussed the differences between hospice and palliative care. The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is rich with information and resources including for LGBTQ+. **We spoke about End Of Life Doulas (EOLD, also known as Death Doulas) longer than any other of the near-100 Death Cafés I have attended! It’s an emerging profession that is taking hold. According to DC-H attendees, many areas now have professional working groups of Doulas such as End Of Life Doulas Of The Triangle (EOLDOTT) and in the Atlanta metro area. This chart compares EOLD services with hospice Directories to locate an EOLD in your area as well as EOLD trainers/training organizations can be found on the National End-of-life Doula Alliance site:
Books/Movies mentioned: **Book by Frank Ostaseski, “The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully”
NIf you are on Facebook, please “like” the Death Café-Hillsborough page (search @deathcafehillsborough).
WE WILL “ZOOM” (not in person) the next DEATH CAFÉ – Hillsborough SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 6:00 – 8:00PM!
Stay safe and be well!
“Death is a Life Coach!” Neidra L. Clark