Tucson Friendly & Fearless Death Cafe

This was our 3rd Virtual Cafe. For the first time since this pandemic began, 2 attendees reported family members or friends who have died. So very challenging and sad for all. I'll speak for everyone and say that the value of the Cafe conversation is immeasurable. To say what is true and real for each of us, look around, and be held in the moment by others is so preciously human. Some paraphrased comments: "struggling with the notion of not-being...trying to be familiar with living and death at the same time...being here (at cafe) makes me feel comfortable...you can't know, yet the paradox is there all the time...being ok with what would happen without knowing what it would be (re: final wishes not being honored)...pretend you're already dead (re: how to deal with material possessions)...anger at stupidity...at some point you've just had enough of what you don't know...there will be a before and after...this is a potent time full of possibility...we will all be forever changed."

Thanks everyone for your attendance and beautiful hearts. And the virtual hugs!

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