A lovely mix of regulars and new faces.

A write up of Death Cafe Wirral

By Martin Poole

This is the third Death Cafe Wirral event that I’ve run.


We were back ay Hoylake Parade Community Centre again, but now with a much-improved refreshment offer in the form of the lovely new Popsy’s Coffee Bar run by Terri and her husband, John. The cafe is brighter, more comfortable and there is now a great range of teas, coffees and other drinks as well as lovely cakes and other goodies on offer. Thanks very much to them for allowing us to meet there free of charge.


There were 19 participants this time and it really was lovely to see that about half of those attending had been to at least one of the previous two events and it was nice to welcome some new people too. Also good to see was a roughly 50/50 male/female attendance. It’s good to see that more men are starting to come along now. Ages of the participants ranged as usual from 20s right up to those in retirement and it really is refreshing to see that this isn't just a conversation for old people. Everyone has some interest in death, be it their own or other people’s and although talking about it won’t bring it on any quicker, it certainly can focus the mind, allow us to face it with less fear and embrace the life we have left. People really do seem to enjoy the events.


The participants were split into 3 groups and I reminded them to have compassion and consideration for other people’s views and that listening was at least as important as speaking, so to make sure that everyone had an opportunity to contribute. 


As usual, I suggested that each person take it in turns to introduce themselves to everyone else at their table and to say briefly why they came to the event.


Conversation flourished!


I don’t know what the conversations were about this time as I didn’t ask, but many people suggested that they’d be back again. If you’ve not been before why not join us at the next one.


The next one will be on the 13th November (7pm to 9pm) at Hope Place Coffee Bar in Prenton. You can find out more about the events at www.facebook.com/deathcafewirral or book your place by emailing martin@wirralfuneralcelebrant.co.uk 

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