Death Comes to the Cakery
A write up of Upminster Death Cafe
By MortuaryGem

What a fabulous evening, I could not have asked for it to go better. Twelve people in total came along to the Sweet Rose Cakery for two hours of death discussions over tea, coffee, milkshakes, wine and cake. There was a lot of cake! Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff and especially Caroline at the Sweet Rose Cakery for letting us host our Death Cafe at their venue when they really had no idea what it was they were letting themselves in for! You’ve been so accommodating and I really can’t thank you enough. Secondly, a thank you to all those who attended too, including Nicola who we have never met before and we practically pulled in off the street on her way to her Nan’s birthday party(!) I hope you all had a good a time as you all seemed too and got as much out of the evening as you thought.
I think the evening was an utter success and I’m so pleased. We covered various topics kicking off with your ‘digital legacy’ thanks to Jeanette, which is something everyone seemed really interested in. We talked about what happens to Facebook once you die, and also what would happen to your household finances especially if you are paperless and have no evidence of provider in your home. It’s things like this that I think are hugely important to discuss!
We also covered a range of things including organ donation, mortuary workers, the local green burial ground, the cost of funerals, the organisation of funerals and teaching children about death in schools. I am always pleasantly surprised at how the discussion evolves with peoples viewpoints, counter discussions and open questions to the group. I’m also pleased that at times the discussions naturally broke off into smaller groups and then came back to the whole group once again!
Such a lovely bunch of people, a pleasant and fun evening to share with you all. We seem to get a good mix of different people from all walks of life, I did love how several of you last night are in the teaching profession. Education is key if we are to open up about death and smash the taboos surrounding it.
This will almost certainly become a regular event at this venue and I couldn’t be happier!