Tokyo Death Cafe, reflecting on mortality

Hosted by Dr Annie Bolitho


Sept. 19, 2018

Start time:

12:45 p.m. (Japan Standard time)

End time:

1:30 p.m. (Japan Standard time)


International Conference on Aging & Society

Toyo University






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About this Death Cafe

Increasingly popular in cities around the world, the social movement Death Cafe brings people together to have open discussions about life and death. This workshop provides the chance to have hands on experience of a Death Cafe during a conference program on the many realities of ageing. There are few opportunities for those who are ageing, or the professionals who serve them to talk freely about death and mortality. Many crave to have this discussion. This workshop acknowledges death as a reality associated with ageing. It will enable participants to join in dialogue with fellow delegates, drawing on personal experience. Together we will bring out the appreciation, seriousness and lightness that are hallmarks of a Death Cafe.

About Dr Annie Bolitho

Annie is a facilitator, educator and end of life consultant at Kinship Ritual (  Annie regularly runs Death Cafes, and workshops for public and health professionals that enhance death literacy, on topics such as end of life and funeral options. She's interested in citizens, democracy and social movements - hence her interest in Death Cafe and contemporary advocacy to influence existing norms around ageing, death and funeral practices. Annie has a Doctorate of Creative Arts in writing, and previous experience in research and policy. With long experience facilitating conversations that matter, she helps people to find the stories, images and intersections for successful dialogue.

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