Posted by shancalv

Hosted by Mark Shelvock & Shannon Calvert
Date: | March 31, 2016 |
Start time: | 4:30 p.m. (EST) |
End time: | 6:30 p.m. (EST) |
Address: |
King's University, Wemple Building STUDENT VITALI LOUNGE 266 Epworth Ave London, ON N6A 2M3 Canada |
No cost |
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About this Death Cafe
Death cafes are respectful spaces for the discussion of all aspects of death, dying, and living with the conscious awareness of death. The event is based on group oriented discussion, and is simply put a place for people to share ideas, feelings, experiences, questions, concerns, and to honour death in our lives. Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. Death cafe's are not grief groups, but rather to break the social taboo against speaking about death openly and with others.
This is the Than Clan’s final major event for the winter academic term. Cake, fruit, and other sweets will also be provided for your pleasure! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Email us at:
About Mark Shelvock & Shannon Calvert
Mark Shelvock is the founder and current president of the Than Clan, the academic club for the Thanatology program at King’s University College. The clubs purpose is to provide intellectual stimulation through social situations regarding the fields of death, dying and bereavement in an academic but friendly and welcoming setting. Mark is also a member of the Funeral Consumers Advocacy of London and Windsor, and helps the organization with social media. Mark is currently pursuing his B.A in Thanatology and Philosophy, and hopes to one day obtain a PhD or a J.D.
Shannon Calvert is a hospice volunteer, a graduate of ITM's Contemplative End of Life Care, and has a background in community development. She has facilitated several Death Cafes.
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