Poem by Amado Nervo
Posted by Luisa Ruiz on Dec. 18, 2014, 12:18 p.m. 1 comment
Very near my sunset, I bless you, Life
because you never gave me neither unfilled hope
nor unfair work, nor undeserved sorrow.
Because I see at the end of my rough way
that I was the architect of my own destiny
and if I extracted the sweetness or the bitterness of things
it was because I put the sweetness or the bitterness in them
when I planted rose bushes I always harvested roses
Certainly, winter is going to follow my youth
But you didn’t tell me that May was eternal
I found without a doubt long my nights of pain
But you didn’t promise me only good nights
And in exchange I had some peaceful ones
I loved, I was loved, the sun caressed my face
Life, you owe me nothing,
Life, we are at peace!
This is a poem written by a Mexican poet called Amado Nervo. He wrote this poem in 1915.
I like poetry and this is one of my favorite poems related to death and life.
I hope you enjoy it.
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Posted by Sheldon Lassiter