Death Cafe in Mexico City
Posted by Luisa Ruiz on Dec. 16, 2014, 10:42 p.m. 7 comments
My name is Luisa Ruiz and I am interested in starting a Death Cafe in Mexico City.
I've read everything in the website and I really like the idea.
I will start looking for a venue and in the next few days I will upload my profile.
A question I have is how many days in advance should I post the information about the Death Cafe.
Luisa Ruiz
Death Cafe in Mexico City
I´ve just uploaded the information of the first Death Cafe in Mexico City. It will take place in February 18th. in a Cafe. The question I have is if I can add the information to the Facebook page of the Cafe it will be held so the event can be known by this social network.

It's great that you have scheduled this event.
Are you asking about listing the Death Cafe on the main Death Cafe facebook page? If so this won't be possible as we have too many Death Cafes to list. However you could create your own facebook page e.g. Death Cafe Mexico City and list it there.
Hope that helps, happy to discuss further. Email is best: underwoodjon @
All the best,

A wonderful resource .
This is a great venue for people to be able to get together and talk about how they feel when faced with death. God tells us in the bible that he intends to free us from the morbid fear of death . Hebrews 2:15 . God comforts us and, assures us that there is a real hope of being reunited with your dead loved ones. John 5:28, 29
Posted by Benita
Venue question
As long as people are not "required" to buy anything, you are fine with the guidelines. Since this one is the first in your city, I would say a month out would be good because then you will have time to get the word out about it. You may want to contact local media too and send links of other Death Cafe articles to let them know that this is a worldwide movement that you are bringing to your town. Good luck!!
Posted by Lizzy Miles
Hi Luisa,
Yes, it's fine for the Death Cafe to happen on that basis. Many happen this way and it is fully in accordance with our guide. Thanks for checking and all the best.

Dear Luisa,
That is great to hear. To my knowledge there hasn't been a Death Cafe in Mexico yet so yours will be the first.
In terms of your question, some people post their Death Cafes very early, sometimes several months before it will take place, but it is not necessary to do this. I think about 1 month is ideal. This gives you time for people to find out about it.
If you're going to hold your Death Cafe in a public place then it is good to have confirmed the venue before posting.
Good luck with your Death Cafe, please do let us know how it goes.

Another question related to the venue
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the reply.
Today I talked to the owner of a cafe and told her about Death Cafe. I explained to her I wasn't able to pay for the space but the cafe would get some money by the coffee sold while the meeting was taking place. I won't ask for any donation at all but people will be free to buy a coffee in there. Is that in concordance with the rules Death Cafe has?