Protecting our legacy - Death Cafe trademark
Posted by Jools Barsky on Dec. 9, 2023, 7:12 a.m.

Hi Death Cafe community,
Today, I want to share an important milestone in our journey: the renewal of the Death Cafe trademark. This isn't just a routine task; it's a crucial step to safeguard the open, honest discussions about death and dying that define Death Cafe.
Why renew the trademark?
The Death Cafe trademark is a symbol of trust, safety, and authenticity. It's the cornerstone of our identity, embodying the values and principles that Jon, my brother and the founder of Death Cafe, established. Renewing the trademark is essential to prevent misrepresentation and ensure that our name continues to stand for these ideals.
The cost and our progress
The renewal fee stands at £4,500, a substantial amount that reflects the importance of our mission. Thanks to your incredible support, we've already raised over £2,500, including generous donations and kind gestures like Glynis German from Death Cafe Mallorca translating our GoFundMe campaign into Spanish.
How you can contribute
This campaign isn't just about fundraising; it's about upholding what we stand for. You can help by sharing our story, introducing Death Cafe to new people, translating materials, or simply participating in our discussions. Every act of support brings us closer to preserving Jon's vision.
A heartfelt thanks to those who have already contributed financially. If you're able to donate, please consider supporting this cause. Every contribution, large or small, helps secure our future.
Click here to visit our GoFundMe page
Looking forward
The trademark renewal is just one part of our ongoing mission. We're committed to keeping Death Cafe a warm and welcoming space for everyone to explore their thoughts on death. We'll keep you updated and continue this journey together.
Thank you for being such an integral part of Death Cafe. Together, we're changing how society perceives and talks about death, one conversation at a time.
With deep gratitude,
Jools x