Starting a new Death Cafe in Kansas City
Posted by Ghafari on March 18, 2022, 9:34 p.m. 7 comments
Good evening all,
I have been approached about starting a new Death Cafe in the Kansas City area. A locsl brewery and I are discussing starting a new option. Kansas City had one in the past and the person moved away is what I heard.
Talking about death is not difficult for me. I am a registered nurse with many years of experience in critical care, emergenc,hospice, palliative care and current coordinate a multi-disciplinary clinic for ALS patients and have my own private End of Life Doula busines. My master's is in End of Lfe Care.
Can anyone give me their thoughts on starting and running a death cafe and keeping it interesting? I am excited in beginning this journey.
Who knows we might have our own beer. Even though I am not a beer guy. Look forward to see the possibilities.
Take Gentle Care,
It's great that you'd like to start a Death Cafe in Kansas City, Brian. I'll send you an email with some starter tips!
All the best,

My understanding is that at a dream cafe professionals in the death business leave their credentials at the door and that, to me, also means the facilitator. It is too easy to walk too close to the line where there is spill over to your other business interest. That would be a shame, don't you think.
Posted by Traci H eaton
Hi Brian, not sure if you have started a Death Cafe in KC. I work for the public library in Kansas City and we are in the beginning stages of wanting to start one. That said, if you are having regular meetings I would love to attend. Could you let me know? Perhaps we could collaborate.
Posted by Haley Lips
Homo Sapiens
I like the advice to leave our professions at the door. Keep it personal. Then we are all on an equal footing, as we talk about impermanence.
Posted by Malachy Grange
Homo Sapiens
I like the advice to leave our professions at the door. Keep it personal. Then we are all on an equal footing, as we talk about impermanence.
Posted by Malachy Grange
End of Life Doula
Hi Brian, I am an end of life doula here in KC. I would love to work with you on bringing a death cafe to our community. Feel free to email me at
Posted by Niki Staab
Also in KC
Hey Brian - did you ever get these off the ground? I work in the coffee scene here in KC and have a network for venues. Also curious to meet the other KC folks commenting here! My email is
Posted by Holly @Griefscapes