November 2016's Death Cafe in Laurieston, Dumfries & Galloway

A write up of Galloway Death Cafe

By tiggerjaye

Although there have been several Death Cafes in Galloway previously, this was the first time Sarah & I had hosted one and as I imagine is usual we were both a bit apprehensive as to how things would go. As it turned out we had a great turn out (about 25 people in total - about half of whom were from the community who had generously agreed to host our event). We also had people who had travelled from beyond Galloway as we were their nearest Death Cafe and, brilliantly, left inspired to run their own closer to home.
The discussions in the three groups that formed were incredibly varied - it seemed a number of people were inspired to look at getting together to talk about specific topics after the event, but the Death Cafe format of providing an entirely open forum for discussion, without direction or themes, I believe enabled the diversity of topics that got aired. This meant there was lots of food for thought which people can now decide to pursue (or not) as feels best for them.  
We both enjoyed hosting this event and from the feedback we received it seems the attendees got a lot from it too.

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