Death by Candle Light

Nice meeting on April 9th. We are finding that a group below 20 people is about the right size. We had 13 at this meeting. It's more intimate and we are able to exchange thoughts and stories better. 
The meeting started with someone whose brother had committed suicide in January. He is still trying to grapple with the scope of it all. He is not happy with judgmental people telling him how suicide is selfish, or against a religion. He is happy for his brother's release from his pain. Interesting conversation.
Michelle had a few great conversation starters....when did you feel the most alive? And conversely, when did you feel closest to death? This brought up some lively discussion.
We talked about invisible connections we have with people, like knowing that something is wrong with someone, even though they are thousands of miles away. This led us into connections with our animals and how they are sensitive to our needs.
We have been holding our meetings by candlelight the last few sessions. It brings an intimacy that is unexpected. Everyone seemed to enjoy the conversation and Gina's outstanding peanut butter cookies. 
See everyone again July 9 at the next Death Cafe Niagara!

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