Easter Sunday Death Cafe in Winchester, VA

Sitting around a large table under two skylights with sunshine streaming, eight bright and inquisitive people gathered on Easter Sunday to talk about life and death.  

"Maybe we don't have to die if we would just learn to take care of each other and love."  This comment met with zero resistance and the notion quite intrigued us with possibility. 

Viewing death as an organic, natural  experience creates a liberation from fear of it.

Meeting our own death and the death of others not from a detached, conditioned cultural perspective, but from the authentic self facilitates acceptance and ease. 

As part of doctoral studies in Occupational Therapy  a young woman spoke of using OT in hospice as legacy work and for creating ease and control at the end of life.  This is an exciting new use of OT.

We parted with feelings of affection for one another and eager for the next Death Cafe to be held May 3, 1-3 at Steamy's Cafe in the sun lit room in the back. It was a lovely day at the Death Cafe as we were reminded to face resurrection moment to moment in our daily living.


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