Heroic measures, death row thoughts, & bone chilling cold
A write up of Providence Death Cafe

A cozy gathering this cafe turned out to be, with bitter cold keeping away all but the hardiest of souls. Two newcomers joined us, one in person and one via arrangements from death row. A candle was produced to transform the cake into a birthday celebration, and a gift of almonds was enjoyed by all. Conversations ranged from the measure of heroics – and the impact such acts have on a body that may regret being saved, to the curious distinction of mobility being a deciding factor for many in quality of life. From death row an inmate shared how although they talk about death all the time, there are some who tut-tut and tell them they must be depressed or have given up hope. Circles of conversation wound around a topic that was surprisingly difficult for all – not in speaking about it, but in knowing what to say. How do love and death intertwine, and to what measure is the height of love in fulfilling someone's wishes? Beyond that, what are your own wishes and how deep the measure of a relationship in the comfort you feel they will be respected? Next time – Spring – or something like that, everyone will settle for just a few degrees of the chill. The cake is undecided, the topics are open, and the next Providence Death Cafe will be Thursday, March 19th.