Carrot cake for the new year
A write up of Providence Death Cafe
10 of us gathered on this chill night to talk death and eat some carrot cake. Alack, no Jack - as the timing was off - but nimble were the fingers of his companion to check the 'net to track down links and titles of books as they were mentioned. It was the picture of the angel of death cradling a newborn that brought the talk to the death of the newborn and infant, memento mori and Santa Muerte. From there we talked about the contrasting cremation videos that were going around and the difference between the desire to die in the suicidal, and the desire to die in the terminally ill. We touched on Brazil, wondered aloud at what happens to bodies after they have been used for science, body farms were mentioned and the way life changes what you think and expect. A good time was had by all, except the Laughing Yogi of whom there were two, but one had to go and then there was one, who went out into the dark and then there were none. February 19th is the next Cafe. Come celebrated Chinese New Year with us - the cake shall be red velvet.