A moment of silence for the German Chocolate Cake
A write up of Providence Death Cafe
Please, a moment of silence out of respect and appreciation for the service the German Chocolate Cake performed at the Providence Death Cafe tonight. It is the only one of us who did not survive. A magical 13 (sorry Jack, you would be fourteen but I can only count those with three or less legs; and for the little one still cuddled in the womb – not yet) gathered and explored the world of Advanced Care Directives, why and how to spell out what you want (DNR or full code) is important to get into the system now, the reality of conversations about wishes in relationships, and how we missed those we have lost and try to find ways to go on. We also covered how we would wish our bodies to be treated, talk about what was important for us to keep or do when a loved one past and whether or not there was any evidence of life cycles. We talked bodies sunk in Lucite, preserved veins for art, green burials and home funerals. Death Midwifery was briefly mentioned and we will be sure to come back to that. A few odd tales of sitting on dead bodies and desires for better funeral choices for fish – but the winner of the night was the shared knowledge that know your ashes can be made into a diamond for your dearly beloved to keep. Cards for Addie were made and cake requests heard. Now all know why cake is served at the end, if we could come up with all that imagine what it would be like on an early sugar high. The next Providence Death Cafe will be on January 15th. Carrot cake and fruit shall be the delight.