It was a dark and stormy night
A write up of Providence Death Cafe
It was a dark and stormy night - the kind where no self respecting Rhode Islander travels ten feet without bread and milk. Seven brave souls braved the elements to come out for the first Providence Death Cafe, including one from the far away land of Worcester, MA. They entered into a brightly lit chamber echoing with the eerie, slightly creepy, and very ironic sounds of the Laughing Yoga group that was just finishing up. They sat down to talk death and eat cake. The cake scored a 10 out of 10 on a scale that only offered 1 through 5. The fruit disappeared like magic. Conversations ranged from suicide to drug overdoses to experiences with intimate death, and the transition from the awareness of death and grief to the connection that you are not spared that passage as well as how one forms a context for quality of life that preserves dignity. Jack the Dog roamed. All in all, everyone had a fun and strange time. I have gathered the comments and we will be back November 20th to do it again with a few twists and turns (but the same cake). Thank you all for coming and making the first Cafe a success!
I live in Holden Mass, do you know of any Cafes in this area that is coming up?
Posted by Al Smith