2nd Death Cafe Sarasota Summary

Our perspectives on the 2nd Death Café


Death Café Sarasota May 17th, 2014 - Radiance of Sarasota


Lori’s Take:

Buzzwords of the day -

ego, home funeral, no fear of death, mediumship, afterlife, in-breath & out-breath, death with dignity, euthanasia, assisted suicide, hemlock society, beautiful death… 

Of our glorious 17 individuals, the majority of our group expressed a large understanding of  death and the dying process, the idea of the continuity of life, and the belief in the strong possibility of our loved ones still being with us or reachable after their physical departure.

The level of awareness was high and the group was well read and brought vast amounts of knowledge and experience to our circle.

Several people worked in fields or had personal opportunities that allowed them to have direct contact with the aging or the dying and shared their stories of sitting in that sacred space as one takes their last breath and how these experiences can bring enrichment and fullness to one’s life and the end of life experience for the dying.    

As there were three professional mediums in the room, the conversation brought a lot of sharing of how things look from the spirit side of life, how we continue on out of our physical body, and that there is never a mention of any pain associated with the death process itself. Assurance was brought forth that our loved ones are in fact alright and are still very much involved in our lives. 

Discussion regarding the actual process of dying, pain, medications, and the prolonging of the physical and avoidance of death was a large topic and was of concern or curiosity for most in the room. Clearly no one wants to be one of the massive and growing statistics being hooked up and poked into artificial means of continuing for the sake of prolonging the inevitable ending of life as we know it! Unanimously we agreed that our lives, beginning, middle and ending should be our own decision as to how that plays out for each of us. Needless suffering and pain should not be a part of our end of lives if we choose to end it. 

As we are now living longer than at any other time in history the fact is there are also more people dying in institutions, hospital and hospice than ever before, instead of their own homes surrounded by family and friends. Our group consensus was that perhaps the industry of death has become too commercial and impersonal, and that quantity of year’s verses quality needs to be examined. The idea of the intimate, personal and participatory home funeral seemed appealing to many, though the “how-to’s” of where to begin to organize this option that is re-gaining popularity was a puzzle.   

As our 2nd Sarasota Death Café came to a close there seemed to be closeness and bonding taking place in the room. A reverence for all who participated. Death and dying are something everyone thinks about, for a good many, thoughts on this topic take up a large percentage of all thoughts during their lifetime. Death Café brings forth people from all walks of life and backgrounds, beliefs, fears, curiosities and ideas. Our 2nd DC was as diverse and beautiful as our 1st, as I am sure it will be for our 100th. Death Café is a wonderful opportunity to explore death, life and friendships.

Mark’s Take:

As a medium I can say it was nice to see all of those present had all their loved ones around them. As a psychic and intuitive I could tell there was a certain reverence in the air. From the Trio that spoke their concerns and interest on the concept of the human right to a voluntary choice to the time and place of their own transition, to the few that were nervous in being there; I saw a great healing just in the knowing that they found a place where they were welcome. Regardless of opinion or take, religious belief or affiliation all came together to discuss that altruistic concept we call death.

They gathered in, each one smiling and were in turn greeted with a smile. The table was set with the shrine devoted to Chocolate, and the lights were low, but not dark.  A comfortable, homey kind of space with a mix match of chairs and a place set aside for coffee and tea that set the stage for our gathering. People came funneling in right up until 1:30 on this beautiful Florida Saturday afternoon in May.

A lot of talk about the afterlife and a few Mediums take on the subject came up. As we went around the circle, introducing ourselves and saying a little about why each of us came we heard stories that made all of us think. I could see tears starting to well up in a few as they overcame their compulsion to not say what they came to say.  While observing the reactions in the room I noticed many could feel either former or present emotions coming to the surface. Anyone and everyone in the room felt each other’s love and respect. 

Perspectives were, for some things, on different skews but collectively I cannot say any in the room had a fear of death. Many say they did not, though it appears as though some have a fear of the process. For some, the sickness that may lead to or the suddenness of a tragic accident looming overhead gave them pause. While over all I would say that each of us has a definite respect and curiosity as to what the others were speaking. Collectively I suppose the overall feeling in the room was that our consciousness does survive the process, and have no fear of what comes after. 


So I say to all who were present, thank you. Thank you for being honest, and open with your genuine spirit. I look forward to seeing each of you again.

Looking forward...

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