April Death Cafe write up

A write up of Manly NSW Death Cafe

By mknight

Our April Death Café kicked off in fabulous style in the Creative Library, described by one attendee as a “brilliant space for sharing!” and as usual, those who were meant to be there, were.

Our conversation was stimulating, uplifting, confronting, joyful, reflective and warm, and covered such topics as the meaning of death and the afterlife, continuity of consciousness and notions of an afterlife, death anxiety, how death impacts us.  

Some observations on how attending the Death Café affected their feelings about death and life included people realising they need to remember to enjoy life and to not ‘sweat the small stuff’, realising that other people are actually thinking about death and, that there are diverse viewpoints, beliefs, life experiences and opinions, about death.

Our next Death Café will take place in May, and we look forward to continuing the conversation!

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