February meet-up in the Blue Mountains
A write up of Death Cafe Blue Mountains

This latest Death Cafe was co-hosted by myself (Hayley West) and Kerrie Noonan.
I opened procedings talking about my arts practise and research topic as a Masters candidate - 'The Vestigial: remnants of the dead and demands on the living'. My interest area being what to do with objects and memories left behind when loved ones die. I read a passage from 'Objects of the Dead' by Brisbane writer Margaret Gibson, a fabulous book.
With a few artists present it made for interesting creative talk around arts practises and death related inquiries.
We were also introduced to the 'Shroud Momento' project by Helen Dunne who came up from Sydney.
Throughout the two hours we talked candidly about such topics as children at funerals, pallative care short comings, totem animals in Indigenous burials, Weekend at Bernies, home funerals, ice wars in Ghana, rebirthing after past trauma, nursing experiences, absence as death... we never have enough time!
We also discussed trying out the Cultural Centre's cafe (as opposed to the Member's Lounge) for the next meeting, and hope it will not be too loud - look out for the reserved table signs and flowers in different stages of life & death on the tables!
image credit
image credit: 'Please take care of this' by Daehyun Kim