2nd Death Cafe, February 5, 2023

A write up of Death Cafe Spokane

By LauraKortus

We held our second Death Cafe at the first Presbyterian church, in downtown Spokane. 11 participants were in attendance, 3 of those were facilitators. We had bakery goods from a local bakery and we served coffee, tea, and water to participants. 

This was a very successful DC! We had great feedback from participants, including one suggestion that the group be smaller. Another piece of feedback stated that this particular participant wished they had "less conversation " directed their way. What I took from that was less sympathetic comments after the story was shared. I thought this was very helpful feedback and I will add precise direction next time, at the beginning, regarding comforting and validating others. Perhaps more listening. 

I am so grateful for this platform. So many beautiful tears and stories were shared, so many different topics were touched upon. Such a beautiful afternoon was spent together. 

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