January 5 followup
A write up of Online Death Cafe Halifax Nova Scotia AST

The first virtual Death Cafe of 2023 was held on January 5, 2023
Over 20 curious people shared their questions and ideas about a good death, and about talking to parents and others approaching death. Here are a few follow-up notes and suggestions.
VIDEO: This video was recommended -- “The Story Behind Death Cafe with co founder Susan Barsky Reid” about Death Café, including a short clip made on the 10th anniversary of Death Café. If you search “Death Café Youtube” you will find many more interesting videos as well.
If you’d like to know more about the global organization, check out their site – there you can also find a list of other cafes around the world that you may want to visit online.
EVENT ONLINE: Another event from “When you Die” that is ongoing – a terrific new video, called Saying Goodbye: Preparing for Death - When You Die is streaming all this week and then they are hosting a live conversation on January 21st. It features some amazing experts from Canada and the US, including Halifax-based David Maginley. The tickets are $25. I watched the documentary last night and am glad I did.
HALIFAX IN-PERSON EVENT: Halifax-based folks – and it may be recorded for later viewing (they post most of them on YouTube but they don’t decide until after the event) - the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University hosts “Mini-Law School” seminars and this month, they have a great topic. It features Professor Joshua Shaw who will survey doctrines of the 'common law' that affects how people use and dispose of human bodies and tissue, and the legal theories used to rationalize those doctrines. It is free and open to the public. Learn more about the event taking place January 25 at 7 p.m.
They had a session in 2015 about Medical Assistance in Dying that is still mostly relevant and is on YouTube – check out the complete list on their main site.
Please share this message with others who may be interested - they can sign up to receive reminders and follow-up notes from the monthly virtual Cafes here.
For more information, please send us an email.
This Cafe is hosted by Epilog Transition Services CIC.
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