Heart on the table
A write up of Death Cafe - Kangaroo Point, Brisbane
By Suzanne

Five people participated in the Brisbane Death Cafe at Kangaroo Point on 29 October 2022. Conversation spanned recent deaths of family members and friends as well as more distant losses. Many expressed how their experiences of death had affected them and described the path to where they are now in how they relate to dying and death and to how they serve those who are dying. The physical decline of ordinary ageing that transitions towards death was discussed as was sudden death of younger family members and friends. Loss of role models and changes in family structure leading ultimately to the generational shift we come to know as we age when at some point we become the ‘next to die’. Several participants talked of the resources that helped them through loss such as counselling hotlines, books and spiritual training. Ultimately, everyone felt that they could now see death as “beautiful and sacred” and noted “the purity of love felt”.
The compassion and empathy I feel radiating from the wonderful people who attend helps me mentally and emotionally. The takeaways for me this time were the difficulty in finding words to express grief, so unique to each person, and mentioning a loved ones name in conversation even when they are no longer with us.
Very informative and supportive. Lovely group to talk with.
A lovely meeting, so glad I came. Good to talk about things that we don’t normally discuss.
Another helpful Death Cafe. Seeking words is often difficult.
Respectful, intimate and sacred space. Thank you for the opportunity where heart can be ‘put on the table’.