Kommendes Treffen am 09. 04. 2014 um 4:45.

Our little community grows slowly.

Second meeting were less people but deeper and more space and the contents have time to work..

As lot of people do not cancel in time - we decided to take € 5,- as membership fee, so that our expenses are covered and we do not have a minus in shopping and serving food and drinks.

There was a young women in our group, she makes her diploma thesis about death, death cafés....very very interesting! I am so greatful to hear so many touching stories.

Next Meeting on  9th of April at 16:45 same place!

Welcome all!!

Kommendes Treffen am 9.4.2014 um 16:45, ausschliesslich verbindliche Reservierungen. Mitgliedsbeitrag von € 5,- deckt alle Unkosten, Getränke und das Essen! Mit eurer Anmeldung sende ich euch die Bankdaten unseres Vereins zur Überweisung. Bei 5 Tagen im voraus akzeptieren wir eure Absage, ausgenommen krasse Fälle natürlich immer, da erhältst du die 5,- wieder zurück.


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