Annual Report
A write up of U3A Joburg East Death Cafe
In 2019 we met once a month over tea and cake. Before lockdown we had twelve members with an average attendance of ten a month. Our last face to face meeting was in February 2020. We did not meet in March or April due to the COVID-19 lockdown. In May we agreed to continue our Death Café sessions using zoom and to meet virtually twice a month. Participants bring their own tea/coffee to the sessions. Regrettably only six of our members have the facilities to participate in virtual sessions.
Topics discussed over the period July 2019 to June 2020 include;
How do I want to spend the rest of my life?
Getting ready to die.
What lifestyle choices do you want to make?
What happens to you after you die?
What do you talk about/do when someone close to you dies?
What is the to die conversation?
Who do you know who has died and come back?
The effect of COVID-19 on end of life expectations.
What can we do with the rest of our lives? How our perspectives on time left have changed with COVID-19.
COVID effects on dying. Reducing expectations on the time we have left.
Communication beyond the grave.
Our legacies. How we would like to be remembered.
Do the dead want us to stop grieving for them?
Penny Mackrory