Summary for 03/11/2020 Death Cafe - Hillsborough
A write up of Death Cafe Hillsborough
By Neidra

Hello Death Positive People! Thank you to those who joined the conversations at the March 11th Death Café – Hillsborough (DC-H). We enjoyed wonderful food too – a big “Thank You” to the folks who helped clean up! My apologies this summary took a few days longer than anticipated. Supporting my friends (and creating Legacy projects with them) whose 25-year-old daughter was killed last week in a car accident took priority. Information about the next DC-H, plus others in our area, follows a key-points summary of our 3/11 meeting. Please bear in mind that some links have been shared before but are provided again due to (thankfully) new people joining these discussions every month! Also, there are updates regarding Death Cafés in our area due to COVID-19 bringing about changes. Please be diligent and may we all stay well! •full ready-made meal for yourself. We will eat good food while talking about all-things-death, sharing stories and knowledge, and most definitely -- we will laugh! Registration, or RSVP, is not required. Just show up, and feel free to bring friends! See you there, fellow mortals! Neidra