Nov 26/18 - Death Cafe - Saskatoon

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Death Cafe in Saskatoon last week. Once again, it was a great evening! When fifty people are willing to brave the wintry weather on a Monday night, we know we are helping to fill a need to bring death out of the shadows, so that we can live our lives more fully. 

Here are some of the words that folks wrote down when asked to choose some that would best describe their experience at the Death Cafe: 

- welcoming

- genuine

- inspiring

- fascinating

- enlightening

- emotion

- light-hearted

- lively

- connection

- understanding

- comforting

- honesty

- intimacy

- thought-provoking

- worthwhile

- necessary

- life-affirming

- transformative

If you missed this one and would like to attend the next (likely spring 2019), please be in touch and/or 'like' the Death Cafe Saskatoon page on Facebook. 

Finally, a shout out to Dallyn and his team at The Underground Cafe, for providing a great venue for the evening! 

In the spirit of community,

Karla and Lisa

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