Death Cafe profile for Rae528
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Chingford
Posted by Rae528 on March 13, 2019, 5:39 a.m.
Excellent Death Cafe where we met in the evening at a Brewers Fayre, so some attending grabbed food or hot drinks and others had a glass or wine or soft drink. The conversation was buzzing and we mainly stayed on subject or at least circled back round to it. Interesting discussions on donating your body for research, too.

With Rachel Bass
Nov. 1, 2017, 7.15 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. (UK)
I'm hosting my third Death Cafe because I want to offer my local community the chance to discuss death more openly, and make it more acceptable to think about ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Loughton
Posted by Rae528 on Nov. 19, 2016, 3:03 p.m.
Thank you so much to all who attended this event and made it great. As there were quite a few of us, we broke up into smaller groups for conversations and I popped in and out of them. Very interesteing conversations and everyone was polite and respectful and kept an open mind on all subjects. Really pleased.
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Woodford, Essex
Posted by Rae528 on Nov. 16, 2016, 7:26 a.m.
This Death Cafe was not an easy one for some to attend as Monday mornings can be chaotic. However those few who did make it were pleased that they did. They started off rather shy and nervous and did not know each other. but gradually with some suggested topics to kick things off, the conversation flowed more easily and as connections and trust was built, people shared and confided more. We finished on a good note and the feedback I recieved was positive. Two people confided afterwards that they had felt nervous about coming, and had been concerned that it could leave them feeling depressed or anxious, but ...

With Rachel Bass
Nov. 16, 2016, 7.15 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. (UK)
Death Cafe Loughton will be a casual gathering. At Cafe Rouge you can order just a coffee or glass of wine, or have a cheeky dessert or eat your supper ...

With Rachel Bass
Oct. 17, 2016, 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. (England)
The event is being held in a cafe that is a 2 minute walk from Woodford tube station on the central line.
Attendees are asked to please purchase a drink ...