Death Cafe profile for Death Café Austin

Location: United States
About Death Café Austin:
Jo Jensen
My best friend died of cancer at the youthful age of 44. She taught me how to “live into dying” and I think of her remarkable journey every time I see a butterfly (she promised to send them to me). Nowadays, my pastoral care ministry as a full-time oncology chaplain often affords me the honor of sitting with patients and family members in the “what’s next” chair and walking with them into the unknown. As someone once told me, the old game of Hide ‘n Seek we played as children can teach us a lot about the end of life. Death’s pronouncement of “ready or not, here I come” gives me pause. The concept of Death Café feels like a natural, inviting, safe and spacious way for those of us in the Central Texas area of Austin to explore our concerns, fears, thoughts and interests related to the end-of-life journey as well as making the most of every present moment we have – living in the now.
brooks kasson
i never understood why i joined the austin memorial and burial society when i was a youngster in my early thirties. it just seemed like the right thing to do. thirty-five years later, i am beginning to get it.
for the last few decades, i have been looking for answers to who i am and why i’m here. this discovery process has led me into the twelve-steps, into sweat lodges, a massage calling, motherhood, wifehood, art pursuits, and a meditation practice.
i am wanting to appreciate life in all its myriad forms and complexities. one of the most effective ways i know to value something is to want it and not to have it. rather than wait until i’m dead to truly appreciate life, i am excited about exploring its opposite through the death café medium. i want to share others’ ideas and experiences of this end-of-life process in order to treasure all the diversity and richness that is inherent in being alive.
What would you like your legacy to be?
Death Café Austin brings convesation about death and dying out of funeral homes and into the living rooms and cafes, while providing an invitation to iving in the moment.
Thoughts for sharing:
Death twitches my ear. "Live,' he says, I am coming." - Virgil
Death Café Austin's posts on the Death Cafe website
With Jo Jensen & Brooks Kasson
Oct. 1, 2014, 6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. (Central)
No charge to attend - donations are graciously and gratefully accepted
Jo and Brooks initiated the first Death Cafe in Texas (right here in Austin) in June 2013 and continue to gather with like-minded individuals every month at Cafe Express on ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Austin
Posted by Death Café Austin on Nov. 27, 2013, 7:28 a.m.

Austin Texas loves Death Café!!!
By Jo Jensen
On Thursday evening, November 21st, Austin held its sixth Death Café with a diverse group of fourteen men and women, most of whom had never attended a Death Café event. Oh yes, there were a couple of seasoned “repeaters” who brought their ongoing interest and curiosity to keep the conversation ever- lively.
Thanks to co-facilitator, Brooks Kasson, who enjoys transforming an average café meeting room into an extraordinary sacred space, we began by closing the doors to the private meeting room at Café Express. Colorful tablecloths, tea lights flickering warmly, and a “talking stone” on every table set the ...

With Jo Jensen & Brooks Kasson
Jan. 16, 2014, 6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. (Central)
Death Cafe Austin is FREE. Donation are both accepted and appreciated to offset costs of supplies and treats.
Death Cafe Austin is taking a break in December for everyone to enjoy the holidays - including the facilitators :)
Start the New Year with us in January as we partake of ...
Press: Austin Death Cafe featured in the Austin Chronicle
Posted by Death Café Austin on Sept. 20, 2013, 12:53 p.m.
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Austin
Posted by Death Café Austin on Sept. 13, 2013, 5:13 p.m. 4 comments
More than 20 people gathered at Cafe Express last night for Austin's 3rd Death Cafe! We enjoyed a new format and a new venue for this event. Breaking into several tables of 4 people each, groups seemed to move into deeper questions and conversations than in the larger group format of earlier events. Rave reviews came from our attendees through the evaluation sheets. The venue was a bit noisy, but that may be resolved for future events.
Several folks from previous Austin Death Cafes attended. People from late 20's to 60ish and more men (6) attended this event and actively participated - moving to new tables after ...
With Jo Jensen & Brooks Kasson
Sept. 12, 2013, 6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. (Central)
Free - Donations Cheerfully Accepted to help offset expenses
We've just held the 3rd Death Cafe in Austin, Texas and the experience has been ROCKIN' GOOD!
Watch for posts on and "Like Us" on our FaceBook page at ...