Death Cafe profile for April Lewis

Location: Australia
April Lewis's posts on the Death Cafe website
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on Aug. 16, 2017, 10:06 p.m.

Feedback from 3 different ladies, for whom it was their first experience of a Death Cafe:
1) Thanks so much for hosting the Death Cafe on Tuesday. It was a great chance to explore ideas that most of us think or worry about at some point but don't necessarily get the opportunity to discuss. I felt it was a really safe, non-judgemental space where everyone was respected and I liked hearing people's different perspectives on the various issues we talked about. It certainly reframed the way I was looking at some things, and was very thought provoking. I hope to get back to another one at ...
With April Lewis
Aug. 8, 2017, 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Time)
Donation of $10 to pay the venue for cake and coffee
August 8th is "Dying to Know Day".
Bringing to life conversations around death, dying and bereavement.
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on Dec. 7, 2014, 6:27 a.m. 1 comment

We know Death is an inevitable part of life yet we try to pretend that it won’t happen to us, why is it that we ignore the inevitability of this and don’t discuss it openly, are we hoping it will go away and not be realised.
To be in a space purposefully to talk about death and the feelings
surrounding it stimulated a range of emotions and thoughts, the most profound for me was the simple fact no matter what colour, creed or culture we are, we are all subject to it. How we process it as individuals differs
but it is the one absolute commonality ...

With April Lewis
Dec. 6, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Summer Time)
suggested donation of $10 per person - all of this will go to the Cafe owners for the use of a separate section of the cafe - they will provide tea/coffee/soft drink and a home-made muffin, in line with the principle of Death Cafe being not for profit.
The upcoming festive season can bring up a lot of emotions for people who are struggling with a recent bereavement or even for those whose loved ones died some time ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on Nov. 12, 2014, 5:11 p.m.

I turned up to ‘death café’ alone - on a humid sunny day in Annandale. It had taken me two attempts to get up the guts, but I’m glad that I did; because the enormous berry muffins, lovely coffee and genuine company made this a really worthwhile experience. In this culturally rare space conversation flowed and I was surprised at how comfortable it felt to talk about death. For me, I had spent twenty six years suppressing my grief so it was a relief to feel able to speak. I heard sad stories and funny ones - from someone whose husband had died a mere month ago to a ...

With April Lewis
Nov. 1, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Summer Time)
suggested donation of $10 per person - all of this will go to the Cafe owners for the use of a separate section of the cafe - they will provide tea/coffee/soft drink and a home-made muffin, in line with the principle of Death Cafe being not for profit.
Over a cup of tea or coffee, with a delicious muffin, come along and meet others who wish to have a conversation about death and dying - in a safe, supported ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on Aug. 19, 2014, 1:25 a.m.
This was my first visit to a Death Café meeting and,having been recommended by a friend, I had a vague sense of what it would be like—a small social group of people, drinking coffee and talking about death.
Death is a big subject, possibly the BIG subject, and with so many aspects to it—dying, spirituality, home deaths, loss of loved ones and pets, recent celebrity deaths and funerals being just the tip of the iceberg (maybe the sinking of the Titanic would come up)—it seemed we would have no trouble finding something to talk about.
Among the 10 or so people of varying ages ...

With April Lewis
Aug. 16, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Time)
suggested donation of $10 per person - all of this will go to the Cafe owners for the use of a separate section of the cafe - they will provide tea/coffee/soft drink and a home-made muffin, in line with the principle of Death Cafe being not for profit.
Over a cup of tea or coffee, with a delicious muffin, come along and meet others who wish to have a conversation about death and dying - in a safe, supported ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on June 15, 2014, 2:42 a.m.

" After participating in the Death Cafe this afternoon I was left with plenty of food for thought. Death is not a mundane subject of conversation by any means, but to participate in a group conversation about it is certainly thought provoking. I walked away today with some very interesting impressions of different perceptions death in the people around me. Confronting and mind opening. Thanks for a unique experience." (Nathan)

With April Lewis
June 14, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Time)
suggested donation of $10 per person - all of this will go to the Cafe owners for the use of a separate section of the cafe - they will provide tea/coffee/soft drink and a home-made muffin, in line with the principle of Death Cafe being not for profit.
Over a cup of tea or coffee, with a delicious muffin, come along and meet others who wish to have a conversation about death and dying - in a safe, supported ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on May 21, 2014, 3:34 a.m.

I attended the April Death Café at Black Toast Annandale. I found it to be a very open and encouraging environment to talk about all things death. I found it interesting to hear what people had to say, and what they wanted to get out of the death cafe experience. A lot of people were interested in the afterlife aspect of death. Many people had deeply personal experiences of death which they shared with us, and were fascinating to hear. A number of us had a fascination with death that goes back a decent amount of time, had near death experiences, or dealt with it in our professional ...

With April Lewis
April 12, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Time)
suggested donation of $10 per person - all of this will go to the Cafe owners for the use of a separate section of the cafe - they will provide tea/coffee/soft drink and a home-made muffin, in line with the principle of Death Cafe being not for profit.
Over a cup of tea or coffee, with a delicious muffin, come along and meet others who wish to have a conversation about death and dying - in a safe, supported ...
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe - Sydney
Posted by April Lewis on March 25, 2014, 10:24 p.m.
I eagerly registered for the first Death Cafe Sydney get together, I had heard of other Death Cafes and I wanted to be a participant. I wanted to support the idea of an open, community based discussion of death in general: mine, friends, family, strangers in a warm and accepting group. As a previous volunteer with a palliative care organisation I had many opportunities to discuss the impending death of patients with both themselves and their carers and friends, and I was happy to share my experiences with others, so a Death Cafe seemed the ideal forum. I believe the topic of death should be more openly discussed ...

With me (April Lewis)
March 15, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (Australian Eastern Summer Time)
suggested donation of $10 per person - all of this will go to the Cafe owners for the use of a separate section of the cafe - they will provide tea/coffee/soft drink and cake/sandwich in return.
Having attended several Death Cafes, have loved the model for setting up my own and this confirmed my observation over a number of years that there are a lot of ...