Death Cafe profile for Thresholdingjennifer

Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa

Posted by Thresholdingjennifer on Feb. 24, 2014, 7:59 a.m.

Our first Death Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa was a great success.  We had 32 people divided in two groups.  The cozy setting of a classy coffee shop made for a wonderful afternoon of sharing, stories, laughter, tears and loving kindness.  The response was overwhelmingly positive and as we had a 'wait list', we are planning our next Death Cafe in a month.  The format really supported the ease and effectiveness of this event!  

Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa

Posted by Thresholdingjennifer on Feb. 12, 2014, 7:41 p.m.

This Death Cafe is now full.  We will keep you posted on future  Death Cafes in Fairfield in the coming months.  Please go to for updates for these events in this area!

Death Cafe: Death Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa

Posted by Thresholdingjennifer on Jan. 23, 2014, 12:15 p.m.

With Thresholding: Customized Palliative Services

Feb. 22, 2014, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. (central standard time)

Love donations gratefully appreciated to cover the cost of the room and hospitality.

Thresholding is dedicated to opening the conversation about the inevitable experience of death and dying with the understanding that knowledge replaces fear.   This Death Cafe event will be filmed as ...