Death Cafe profile for Death Cafe Winnipeg

Death Cafe Winnipeg's posts on the Death Cafe website

With Rena Boroditsky
Nov. 18, 2015, 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (central)
Silver collection toward treats

With Rena Boroditsky
Oct. 21, 2015, 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (central)
Silver collection toward treats
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Winnipeg
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on Aug. 20, 2015, 11:24 a.m.
Another great afternoon gathering! We had about a dozen participants ranging iin age from 17 to 85..including 4 people under 30!
Wonderful free flowing conversation about personal experiences, cultural expectations, the relationship to the body after death, book recommendations..a lovely group of people sharing !
I love to see the cross-pollination of ideas, people exchanging phone numbers or email addresses to continue the conversation.
Thanks to all who came out on a beautiful sunny day !
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Winnipeg
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on July 21, 2015, 3:21 p.m.
Our first afternoon event brought 13 ladies together on July15th. Good mix of new folks and returnees. Discussion ranged from lucid dreaming about our loved ones, the afterlife and the nature of the soul, to talking to our kids about our wishes. A lovely sharing group .
Cookies were also really good.

With Rena
Aug. 19, 2015, 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (central)
Donations requested

With Rena
July 15, 2015, 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (central)
Silver collection
Space is limited, please register
With In partnership with Palliative Manitoba
March 3, 2015, 7.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. (central)
No charge
Thanks !
The Aquarian:
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe Winnipeg
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on July 23, 2014, 12:31 p.m.
A lot of new faces at our most recent Cafe ! About 35 of us met to talk about faith, God, relationships, planning, grief, bucket lists and our constant companion..denial.
The evaluations were almost unanimous in commenting that 90 minutes was not long enough, with only one saying it was too long.
As always, the sharing was heartfelt and touching.
With so much death and destruction in the world this week, we pray for peace and comfort for all who are suffering.
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe in Winnipeg, Canada
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on July 2, 2014, 10:35 a.m.

Finally, a warm and sunny summer evening in Winnipeg ! About 35 people attended our 3rd Cafe on June 17th. We had several new faces in the group which was great.
Participants shared stories and thoughts about a wide range of topics. There were a lot of questions about Living Wills and we will provide some information at our next event in July.
The Temple Shalom provided us a great space, fresh fruit and some amazing toffee cookies!

With Brenda Borzykowski / Rena Boroditsky
Oct. 22, 2014, 7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. (Central)
Silver collection
A multi faith gathering ! Join us for coffee and conversation about all things 'end of life".

With Brenda Borzykowski / Rena Boroditsky
July 17, 2014, 7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. (Central)
Silver collection
Death Cafe: Death Cafe in Winnipeg, Canada
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on Jan. 16, 2014, 9:57 p.m.
With Brenda Borzykowski / Rena Boroditsky
June 17, 2014, 7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. (Central)
Silver collection
Tea. Cake. Death.
Join the Conversation
sponsored by Chesed Shel Emes
Winnipeg , Canada
Death Cafe write up: Death Cafe in Winnipeg, Canada
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on Jan. 16, 2014, 9:55 p.m.
Our first event had more than 50 participants ! We sat at round tables of 6 - 8 people and had a facilitator at each table. The group ranged in age from 18 to 90, and included several married couples .
Discussion was heartfelt and genuine as people shared personal stories and thoughts..truly amazing.
Evalutions were very positive and our next event is in the works for mid February.
.. an enriching and powerful experience..
Death Cafe: Death Cafe in Winnipeg, Canada
Posted by Death Cafe Winnipeg on Jan. 11, 2014, 11:22 p.m.

With Brenda Borzykowski / Rena Boroditsky
Jan. 13, 2014, 7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. (Central)
Silver collection
Tea. Cake. Death.
Join the Conversation
sponsored by Chesed Shel Emes
Winnipeg , Canada