Finsbury Park Death Cafe

Hosted by London End of Life doulas


March 27, 2019

Start time:

6:45 p.m. (BST)

End time:

9:30 p.m. (BST)


Blighty Coffee

35 -37 Blackstock Road

Finsbury Park


N4 2JF

United Kingdom


Accepts donations

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About this Death Cafe

Come and get curious about death in a relaxed and friendly space over tea and cake or a glass of wine
Death Cafes are social events which usually take place in cafes where taboos around death and dying are broken down through relaxed conversation.
We meet simply as people who are all one day going to die. We talk in small groups and share only what we feel to share. Honest and respectful communication is the order of the day and there is often much laughter.
All are welcome, regardless of age race or belief, but booking is essential.
Reserve your place by emailing Once you receive an email confirmation, you are booked in.
Blighty Coffee have generously provided their upstairs space free of charge for our event. Although the event is FREE, and run by volunteers, we respectfully ask that everyone who is able supports the Blighty Cafe by buying refreshments , so that the cafe makes a little money, so we may continue to keep our venue.
Teas, instant coffee, soft drinks, beer wine, and cake will all be available for sale.


About London End of Life doulas

Caroline Dent, Zaidee O'Dell  John Sleeman and Ninon Van der Kroft , have all trained as End of Life Doulas (a new and emerging role, providing compassionate presence and practical support for people at the end of life. 


Caroline started Finsbury Park  Death Cafe in September 2015, having been an active participant and facilitator in other Death Cafes for some years.


Caroline suffered from death anxiety as a child, and that resulted in a lifelong enquiry into the nature of death  and how it affects our living. This resulted in her volunteering with dying people, bereaved people and suicidal people in recent years. 


Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
