Hosted by Eugene/Springfield Death Cafe


Sept. 24, 2013

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard)

End time:

8:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard)


Sage House


United States



This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

We started by setting up a booth at the annual Eugene Celebration. We created tee shirts and a big banner with our crow logo on it saying "Death Cafe" and the tag line "Let's talk about death". We enlarged and printed out some of the powerful quotes that we found on this site that spoke to the experience of attending a death cafe, and printed them on colorful construction paper which we pinned to the outside and inside of out booth. We made up a menu and some cards that explained what this is about. We had many people intrigued enough to stop by our booth and we had some really lively conversations. In the end, about 65 people signed up and we had two dates planned in September with the idea that we would do one or two a month thereafter, depending on interest. At the moment, we are going ahead with the first cafe on September 24th and we will see what next after that. We did have several people ask if we would come facilitate a cafe with their groups. One was a person from the Unitarian Church of Eugene and two others had women's groups in mind. 

About Eugene/Springfield Death Cafe

We are a group of long time hospice volunteers who are dedicated to normalizing the conversation about death and dying. 

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

