Posted by Janwil

Alexandra Death Cafe

Hosted by Janice Williams


June 16, 2014

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (UK)

End time:

4:00 p.m. (UK)


Alexandra Park Library

Wood Green



N22 7UJ

United Kingdom


Donations welcome to cover costs of refreshments.

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Sponsored by the Supporters of Alexandra Park Library, a community hub in North London. Come and talk about the kind of death YOU would like, and how you might go about achieving it.  Death, like eating, is an essential part of life. If we talked about it more, we might fear it less. 


About Janice Williams

Qualified and experienced facilitator of groups of adults (especially parents) talking about difficult personal issues. 

I have experienced a lot of deaths of people close to me and feel it is better to talk about it, because death is a part of life.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

