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Death Cafe as Summerland UC

Hosted by Anne Ellis
Date: | Sept. 18, 2018 |
Start time: | 7:00 p.m. (PST) |
End time: | 8:30 p.m. (PST) |
Address: |
1200 Parkgate North Vancouver BC V7H 2X9 Canada |
Free |
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About this Death Cafe
Death is such a taboo subject in North American culture. And yet there is one certianty in life: we are all going to die.
We get together and have confidential conversation about life and death. We do not lecture nor is this a grief support group, though geift may be expressed and shared.
We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month September - June (except December).
All mortal are welcome at this drop-in, free event
About Anne Ellis
Anne Ellis is Mt. Semyour United Church's Children, Youth and Family Minister & the Mental Health Ministry Cooridinator.
She loves deep meaningful conversation on subjects that matter and likes cookies.