Posted by Glynis German

Hosted by Glynis German
Date: | June 15, 2018 |
Start time: | 6:00 p.m. (CEST) |
End time: | 8:00 p.m. (CEST) |
Address: |
L'Exquisit C/Sa Rectoria 2 Binissalem Mallorca 07350 Spain |
Each pays for their own refreshments / Cada un@ pague sus propios refregios |
This Death Cafe has taken place
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About this Death Cafe
Los tiempos están cambiando y ya no tenemos tanto miedo de hablar sobre la muerte. En encuentros como éste nos reunimos todos en igualdad - nadie sabe más de la muerte que la otra persona pero tod@s vamos a morir un día! Reflexiones, opiniones, pensamientos - tod@s lo compartimos en un ambiente de paz, amor, comprensión y humor.
Times are changing and no longer are we so afraid to talk about death. In gatherings such as this one, we meet on equal footing as noone knows more about death than the next one, but we're all going to die one day. Reflections, opinions, thoughts all get shared in an atmosphere of peace, love, understanding and above all, humour.
About Glynis German
Glynis German is an independent celebrant of weddings, funerals and naming ceremonies. She has been a host of the Mallorca Death Cafe since December 2015. She is now offering spiritual end of life accompaniment.
Glynis German es una oficiante de bodas y funerales. Desde diciembre 2015 Glynis lleva el Mallorca Death Cafe. Ahora se dedica tambien a ofrecer acompanyamiento espiritual en fin de vida.
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