Posted by Suprabha

Hosted by Suzanne Freed


June 26, 2018

Start time:

6:30 p.m. (PDT)

End time:

8:30 p.m. (PDT)


Chapel of the Chimes

4499 Piedmont Avenue





United States



This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Death Cafe Oakland is a safe, welcoming place in which people share their ideas, concerns, fears, and hopes about death as well as coffee, tea, and cookies. Death Cafe is a global movement. There have been thousands of Death Cafes held throughout the world. From the administrative details of death and dying to the most profound spiritual, religious or philosophical issues, all topics are welcome. Registration is free, but you must register through Eventbritre to attend. (No need to bring Eventbrite confirmation; we will have your name.)

This will be our 72nd Death Cafe in Oakland! This Death Cafe will be led by Suzanne Freed.

About Suzanne Freed

Death Cafe Oakland is led by  facilitators  Brooke Deputy, Suzanne Freed, and Bill Palmer.  On Facebook, search "Death Cafe Oakland."

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