Monthly Death Cafe in Downtown Toronto

Hosted by Dying Well Collective


June 19, 2018

Start time:

6:30 p.m. (ET)

End time:

8:00 p.m. (ET)


Centre for Social Innovation - Annex

720 Bathurst Street


M5S 2R4




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About this Death Cafe

A Death Cafe is an open forum discussion on death, dying and grief. Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. All are welcome.

We believe that Dying Well is not only a possibility but something we should all strive for. And in doing so, it is about living life fully until our last breath. 


#torontodeathcafe #deathcafe #deathdyingandgrief #dyingwell

About Dying Well Collective

The Dying Well Collective is a group of end-of-life-care practitioners, healers, educators, and therapists who support, educate, and advocate for those who are dying and their families.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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