Posted by Glynis German

Mallorca Death Cafe

Hosted by Glynis German


Feb. 23, 2018

Start time:

6:00 p.m. (GMT +1)

End time:

8:00 p.m. (GMT +1)



C/Rectoria 2






Cada un@ paga su refresco / Each pays their own refreshments

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Bring an open mind and heart to get the most out of the experience.

Que vengas con mente y corazon abiertos para experimentar lo maximo posible del encuentro.

About Glynis German

Glynis German is an independent celebrant of weddings, namings and funerals or celebration of life ceremonies based in Mallorca and offering these in English and Spanish.  She has just completed a training on "spiritual accompaniment in the dying process" and hopes to offer a form of "last rites" to those patients & families that desire some spiritual words at the end of life. She has been facilitating the Mallorca Death Cafe since December 2015

Glynis es una oficiante independiente de bodas, nombres, funerales y esta en Mallorca ofreciendo ceremonias personalizadas en ingles y castellano.  Acaba de terminar una formación en el acompanamiento espiritual en el proceso de morir y esperar ofrecer un tipo de extremaunción en el fin de vida.  Lleva desde diciembre 2015 facilitando el Mallorca Death Cafe.

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