About this Death Cafe
We have been offering Death Cafes in Alameda since November 2013, and we continue to be inspired, and encouraged by those attenting these cafes. It's wonderful to give folks a place, and an opportunity, to talk about death without judegement, fear or concern for 'how others might take this'....
We remain grateful to our host, The Home of Truth, and their Garden Cottage
RSVPS are appreciated as space is limited!
About Susan Barber & Christine Kovach
Both Susan and Christine have many years of work experience in hospices, Susan as a Volunteer Coordinator and Community Education Coordinator, and Christine as a Social Worker. Christine is also a therapist in private practice in Alameda, and her work with those facing end oflife, the bereaved, nd those healing is the work of her heart.
Susan has worled with people who are dying since the late 80s, and it is also her heart's work!
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe