Death Cafe in the Bay #1

Hosted by Verona Nicholson & Lynda Corner


June 21, 2017

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (UTC+12:00)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (UTC+12:00)


Wardini Books

16 Te Mata Road

Havelock North

Hawke's Bay


New Zealand


You are welcome to offer a gold coin donation to help cover the costs of refreshments if you wish, and are able.

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About this Death Cafe

We are very lucky to be holding Death Cafe in the Bay #1 at the fabulous Wardini Books in Havelock North. Join us for our very first foray into the world of death and dying - no fear, it's not weird here!

About Verona Nicholson & Lynda Corner

Verona is a local counsellor, supervisor and trainer in provate practice in Hastings. She also coordinates the Growing Through Grief Programme for children in Taradale. She is simply interested in talking about death and promises not to therapize anyone!

Lynda Corner works predominantly with computer technology and is studying for a Master of IT. She has interests in theatre, pinball, and of course death.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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