Posted by Glynis German

Hosted by Glynis German


Oct. 13, 2016

Start time:

5:30 p.m. (GMT+1)

End time:

7:00 p.m. (GMT+1)


Patron Lunares

C/Fabrica 30

Palma de Mallorca




Each pays their own refreshments / Cada uno paga sus bebibas

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

All are welcome and language will be no barrier to this event as English and Spanish are easily accommodated.  The cost is the price of your own refreshments.  Please be on time.

Todos están bienvenidos y se hará el encuentro siempre acomodando a los idiomas presentes - castellano e inglés.  Cada uno paga sus bebidas.  Se ruega puntaliadad.

About Glynis German

Glynis German is an independent celebrant of weddings and funerals and has been hosting Mallorca Death Cafes since December 2016.  

Glynis German es una celebrante de bodas y funerales y lleva desde el diciembre de 2016 organizando encuentros del Mallorca Death Cafe.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


Please also see:é-1707211686201006/
